Sunday, March 11, 2007

I am all in favor of a pinch of salt. That is why I follow with interest the skeptic crowd which from my vantage point is headed by Penn Jillette. Mr. Jillette endorses James Randi and has had him on the Penn Radio show several times.

It is a sad day however when reports that James Randi claims that 36 homeopathic sleeping pills is a fatal dose. I would be hard pressed to find a reference *anywhere* that alleges that there is any dose of homeopathic medicine that will cause a negative side effect such as that claimed by Mr. Randi.

I would have no complaint if James Randi claimed that homeopathic medicine is ineffective (he is welcome to his considered opinion, one I happen to disagree with) but his current claim about homeopathic medicine is preposterous. If one takes as a reasonably orthodox baseline, its article at most quotes medical figures and journals stating that homeopathic medicine is ineffective, not deadly.

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